“IAN” is a short cinematic portrayal of the incredible 72-year-old Australian rockclimber Ian Elliott. Climbing at a level that defies age stereotypes, Ian’s technical skills, strength, and endurance shatter societal norms. His ascent of a grade 28/7c route just before his 70th birthday not only set a personal record but also inspired climbers worldwide, showcasing the extraordinary potential of older athletes.

Official Selections
***New Zealand Mountain Film (NZ – June)***
***Destination Unknown (Norway – June)***
***Ladek Mountain Film (Poland – July)***
***Maine Outdoor Film Festival (US – July)***

Director: Matt Raimondo
Director of Photography: Caleb Ware

Additional Cinematography: Matt Raimondo
1st Assistant Camera: Locke McGlip
2nd Assistant Camera: Jake Malpass
3rd Assistant Camera: Bailey Jeffs

Production Assistant: Meg Noel
2nd Unit Assistant: Michael Young
Boom Operator: Michael Cassidy

Edit/Colour Grade/Sound Design: Matt Raimondo
Sound Mix: Adrian Diery

Production Company
GoodFolk Film Production

Duration: 8mins